Why do get tears while cutting onion ___ __ _ ? 4 ways to Reduce crying with onion!

Discuss about tears come from cutting of onion

Answer : Unstable chemicals

Onion produce the chemical irritant known as syn-Propanethail-s-Oxide. Due to eyes' lanchrymal glands so, they release tears. Scientists used to reproach the enzyme allinase for the instability of substances in acut onion . The synthase enzyme converts  the amino acids sulfoxides of the onion into sulfuric acid.

4 ways to Reduce Tearing while cutting Onions : 

Here are the four most effective ways to avoid burning and crying while cutting onions. 

1. Freeze the onion. Make sure  you don't leave the onion in the freezer to long or it difficult to cut.

2.Another trick for stopping the remove the peel of onion and soak it in bowl for 10 to 15 minutes to, automatically, pull the chemical into water. Use this method onion milder taste. so, many citizen use this method.

3. if you don't want to wait 15 minutes for onion soak, you can cut the onion under running water. However, this method may be a little dangerous, and it is not easy.

4. The fourth method is using spectacles when cutting the onion. This works the best when cutting onions because the chemicals never reach your eyes. 

Whichever method you use, remember to use a sharp knife and peel and cut from the top of the onion to avoid crying. Happy cooking!

Regard's to


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